Nym findings on people’s perspectives on online security

Initial polling shows significant concerns with digital security

5 min readSep 12, 2024

With the coming release of NymVPN, understanding the scope of people’s privacy needs and practices worldwide is crucial.

Nym conducted an initial survey in August to examine these questions more closely. More than 1250 people throughout the United States were polled on a range of topics.

  • How concerned are people about their online privacy and data security?
  • What demographics have particular awareness of the problem of digital privacy?
  • What kinds of tools are being used to address it?
  • Are there obstacles to accessing privacy tools?

In particular, Nym has analyzed the survey results comparatively in terms of gender and reported sexual orientation to see the extent to which current research is fully taking into account the experience and perceptions of these historically underrepresented groups.

This first round revealed some interesting trends.

Concern for digital privacy and security

On the topic of “How do you prioritize security measures in your daily life?” (Q2)

While it is not surprising that a high percentage of people prioritize their physical security (e.g., their home), it is worth noting that an equally significant amount of people prioritize their online security and “digital footprint.”

Online security tools

On the topic of “How do you currently safeguard your online privacy at home?” (Q3)

The concern with online privacy is reinforced by significant percentages of people who report regularly using digital security tools. While antivirus software is the forerunner, the use of VPNs also ranks highly.

Family protections

On the topic of “When it comes to protecting you and your family, which do you

consider most important?” (Q4)

Again, digital security concerns, while not as high as physical measures, nonetheless rank comparatively high.

Concerns regarding security breaches

On the topic of “In the event of a security breach, which would concern you more?” (Q5)

Digital security investments

On the topic of “How much are you willing to spend on internet security if you know your data is truly protected?” (Q6)

What these responses show importantly is that a significant majority of people are willing to invest money in digital privacy and security tools.

VPN use

On the topic of “How likely are you to use a VPN to protect personal data shared within your household (e.g., financial transactions, personal communications)?” (Q7)

When it comes specifically to VPN use, the large majority of people report being likely to use a VPN if they are not already. Only 18% indicate a lack of interest.

Increasing digital security investments

On the topic of “What would most likely motivate you to increase your investment in online financial security?” (Q8)

Survey Methodology

NymVPN conducted the survey through Survey Monkey in August 2024. Data was gathered from responses from over 1,100 adults aged 18 and older across the United States to assess their physical and digital security practices. Conducted online, the survey employed random sampling and targeted outreach to ensure a representative cross-section of the U.S. population, with data weighted to align with the latest U.S. Census Bureau estimates for key demographics such as age, gender, race, educational attainment, and region. The survey explored respondents’ views on security within their daily lives, as well as online activities, and how they proactively protect themselves, if at all.

Continued work needed

Any survey will be subject to certain limitations. Continued research on digital privacy concerns and tools would need to be expanded to consider a number of other factors:

  • Global trends outside of the United States, since people in different cultures and political situations may experience digital privacy differently
  • Different socioeconomic brackets, since access to commercial privacy tools will differ depending on income
  • Larger data sets will be valuable in confirming the trends indicated in smaller samples


There is clearly a strong concern for digital privacy in the United States. But it is also crucial to raise awareness about the extent to which existing privacy tools, like traditional and free VPNs, do not protect user privacy and security in the way they claim.

This is because most mainstream VPNs on the market are centralized infrastructures with metadata logging capabilities, vulnerable to data breaches, surveillance, and data sharing and advertising practices. And many free VPNs are the complete opposite of private: they deliberately collect and sell user data for a profit.

NymVPN is different. It is based on a fully decentralized network which makes keeping full traffic logs of your online activities impossible. It is also the first VPN to also include noise generating mixnet functionality, which makes traffic analysis of the network extremely difficult.

So for people genuinely concerned with protecting our privacy online, it’s important to choose a tool that is up to the job.

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